Sometimes it is easier to point to success stories than provide explanations as to why waist training with a steel-boned corset works. Here we will touch on some of the more likely reasons that you might see a change in your body when waist training. Keep in mind that this is a very basic, very watered-down overview of the mechanics of waist training.
Rib Recontouring/Flexibility. A corset should not be compressing any other bones than those in your ribcage. If undue pressure is being placed on your spine or hips, then the corset being used is either made poorly or is a poor fit for your body. Even when compressing the ribs, only the “false ribs” (the lowest ribs, connected to the spine and/or sternum by soft, flexible cartilage) are usually affected. These bones already expand and contract with each breath, and they can easily accept a small amount of pressure from a well-fitted corset. With time and consistency in waist training, these lower ribs (usually the lower 5 pairs) can become increasingly more flexible, thus allowing you to cinch tighter without any discomfort.
Adipose (Fat) Tissue Movement. Much like lean tissue, body fat is living, and even in a person who maintains their weight, it can fluctuate in microscopic ways. There are theories that compression placed on the waist can discourage the fat cells in that area from absorbing nutrients, thereby leaving the individual fat cells smaller, or, “more empty”; and allowing those nutrients to be absorbed by cells elsewhere in the body. However, I have found little evidence, beyond anecdotal cases, to support this hypothesis. You may or may not find that something like this happens in your own case, but there is certainly no guarantee.
Reduced Stomach Capacity. A corset really does act somewhat like an external “lap band”, compressing your stomach just enough to discourage you from overeating to the point discomfort. This means that, if you leave your corset on while eating, you will feel fuller sooner. It’s entirely possible to maintain weight while wearing a corset, but waist training can also encourage you to eat more mindfully. Of course, taking a corset off mid-meal to make room for more will eliminate this potential benefit!
Internal Organ Repositioning. We are so quick to forget the rigors that the human body is designed to handle, especially pregnancy. While this example is more relevant for females than males, it’s important to understand that internal organs are made to be somewhat flexible in all humans. For women, this is clear in how a developing fetus can trigger the movement of the organs in the abdominal cavity. When engaging in waist training with a steel-boned corset, there is some very minor movement, mostly in the lower digestive tract (the intestines).
Fluid Reduction (Temporary). You may experience a reduction of fluid held in any part of the body where compression is applied. This is a well-documented bodily function, and the reason behind using compression bandages on swollen or injured muscles. Applying even slight pressure to the torso with a well-made corset encourages the release of fluids from abdominal tissues, thus temporarily reducing the size of one’s waist. Be careful not to mistake this as a long-term effect of waist training. When the corset is removed, fluids are likely to move back into the site from which they were just ushered away.
When choosing your first waist training corset (or any corset after that) you need to consider the quality of the garment. A corset made for waist training must meet a few minimum criteria to be suitable for daily use at even a moderate waist reduction. Carefully read through the specifications shared by a corset maker or corset seller to determine if it meets these standards. If it is not listed, ask before purchasing.
Steel Bones. These pieces of metal may be either flexible spiral steel or flat steel “bones”. Verify with the seller or maker that the bones are tipped or dipped to prevent them from damaging the fabric or poking through the boning channels in the corset. Plastic boning of any kind is unacceptable for waist training, with the only exception being synthetic whalebone.
Waist Tape. A piece of herringbone tape (or “ribbon”) should be sewn into the corset at the smallest part of the waist, running around the entirety of the waistline. This keeps the corset from stretching out over time. The waist tape may be sewn into a corset between layers of fabric so that you cannot see it.
Strength Fabric. For a corset to hold up to the rigors of waist training, it must be made with a sturdy, non-stretch, tightly-woven fabric for at least one of its layers. Herringbone coutil is the most commonly-used strength layer in corsets. Some heavy-duty sports mesh corsets can also work for waist training, but the entire corset should never be a stretchy material if the goal is waist training.
After measure the correct measurement, please refer to the table below and choose the correct size.
For example: A person whose waist measurement is 30 centimeters, then refer to the below table, you should choose the corset size L.
Or if you are unsure about which size to choose, leave us your measurements
And we will help you find the right size.